Monday, December 23, 2013

Sleep and Exercise


We've all heard how important a good night’s sleep is to our health and well-being. But what are some of the important benefits of getting a good night’s sleep?

Feeling refreshed the next day would have to be at the top of the list but having a good attitude and mood are a couple of additional benefits. 

What constitutes a good night’s sleep?

 Easy time falling asleep (you should be asleep within 20 minutes after going to bed)

 Uninterrupted sleep time of 6-7 hours

 Normal awakenings in between (normal is 1-2 awakenings in between to pee or re-hydrate)

 Fresh wake up next morning

 Energetic and positive attitude

One of the benefits of exercise is a better, sounder sleep.

In a 16-week exercise study on people with chronic insomnia with a sedentary lifestyle, it was concluded that exercise has a positive effect on the quality and time of sleep. The participants followed a 30 minute exercise routine of light aerobics and running 3-4 times a week.

The benefits weren't evident immediately but materialized over 16 weeks.

It wasn't necessary to follow a certain exercise program, aerobic and weight training had similar benefits. The important factor was the timing and intensity of the exercise. A suggestion was to avoid training before bedtime as the stimulation of the training could cause insomnia.

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