Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Medicine Ball Training


Are there exercises I can do with a medicine ball to get in shape?

A medicine ball is a wonderful tool to train your body and improve it. They are available in different weights and textures, designed to improve grip performance.

Originally part of a boxer’s training equipment exclusively; it has become very popular among fitness participants. If you’ve ever watched a show on boxing training you probably have seen a trainer drop a medicine ball on an outstretched boxer’s stomach to toughen it up. Medicine ball training for most people has changed dramatically from that.

Not only is it possible to train the entire body with a medicine ball but it is a very effective tool.  You can use it to strengthen your leg muscles by holding the medicine ball in front of your chest and doing knee bends, train shoulder muscles by pressing it overhead, and build your arms by curling it. Select a medicine ball weight that allows safe handling of the ball but enough resistance to slow down the speed that you can move it.

A good training program using a fitness ball is:

·        Deep knee bends with upward throw
·        Side twists
·        Forward bends
·        Lying press and throw
·        Leg lunge with twist
·        Overhead press
·        Medicine ball pushup
·        Overhead triceps press
·        Ab crunch

Beginners should do one set of 10 reps each. As you progress, increase sets to 2-3, with rep counts of 10-20.

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